Obtaining Turkish citizenship 2023

Obtaining Turkish citizenship 2023

In 2023, one can apply for Turkish citizenship. In order to prevent the Turkish citizenship law from being violated in exchange for real estate, various adjustments were made addressing how to gain Turkish citizenship and some of the requirements for doing so by investing in and purchasing real estate in Turkey. These amendments included:

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship | How to obtain citizenship in Turkey

-One of the requirements for obtaining Turkish citizenship is to prevent the property from being recycled, which would entail selling it to a Turkish person and then reselling it to another investor of the same nationality (previously, it was possible to sell the property to a Turkish person and then resell it to another investor of the same nationality after obtaining Turkish citizenship, or after three years. Now, it must be sold to a Turkish person and an investor of a different nationality so that the new inhabitant would

-The property can be sold to a Turkish person or a foreigner instantly after attaining Turkish citizenship, or three years after the original purchase, however the new foreign investor cannot do so even if he is a relative, friend, or person of another nationality. That is, a foreigner may invest in the new property, but until it is first sold to a Turk and subsequently to a foreigner, whose nationality is different from the initial investor's, he will not be granted Turkish citizenship.

-When spending $400,000 on a property with the intention of getting Turkish citizenship, you are not permitted to resell the property to the person who sold it to you after 3 years, meaning that the property cannot be sold to the original owner, whether this owner is a person or a business.

Read also: Turkey overview

Even after you have been granted Turkish citizenship, it may be revoked if it is discovered that your identification documents or any other required files are incomplete or fraudulent.

-In the event of a sale or initial sale agreement, the pledge is made as follows: "I pledge that, within the meaning of Article 20 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Turkish Nationality Law, I will not sell these properties that I purchased to obtain Turkish citizenship for a period of three years." And if it transpires that the information and documents that will be provided upon implementation are incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading in accordance with Article 31 of the Turkish Nationality Law No. 5901 that governs the choice to acquire Turkish citizenship, or if this happened as a result of a false declaration made by the person in question or the concealment of significant facts that serve as the basis for the acquisition of citizenship, The decision-making authority will cancel it, and the sentence "I know that steps will be taken by the necessary authorities" was also included.

-After January 12, 2017, real estate subject to the statute allowing for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship by sale or initial sale contract and transferred to a Turkish citizen or firm of Turkish descent may not be registered in the name of the applicant (investor) seeking Turkish citizenship.

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship 2023

Obtaining Turkish citizenship

Are you interested in learning the requirements for gaining Turkish citizenship through real estate purchases? Call one of our top consultants right away!

Millions of tourists from all over the world travel to Turkey each year, and Istanbul in particular, and both Turkey and Istanbul have a plethora of natural wonders, cultural treasures, historical landmarks, geographical features, and outstanding real estate developments.

Foreigners can now work and invest in Turkey with ease because Turkish law protects everyone's rights, though there are certainly requirements for becoming a citizen. Thanks to recent changes to the laws governing foreign investors' ownership, obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport is now possible through multiple channels. Turkish to be followed.

Likely, a lot of people will want to know how to become a Turkish citizen, what rights and benefits come with it, and whether investing in Turkey has any benefits. We at Lali Real Estate Group are available to respond to any of your inquiries and questions and to offer you the best free real estate guidance at all times.

The following requirements must be met in order to gain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment:

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship

A person applying must be at least 18 years old.

The property should cost more than $400,000 to be considered for purchase.

The nationality of the investor should not be one of those barred from real estate ownership.

After buying the property, it cannot be sold for three years.

With the publication of the new regulation, the Republic of Turkey now gives citizenship to non-Turks who:

They invest in real estate for $400,000 total.

creating or acquiring a business with a capital of $500,000

depositing $500k in Turkish government-run banks or investment entities, provided that money isn't taken out for three years.

To apply for Turkish citizenship in accordance with the new legislation, one of the options is to hire 50 workers for a three-year term.

Likely, a lot of people will want to know how to become a Turkish citizen, what rights and benefits come with it, and whether investing in Turkey has any benefits. We at Lali Real Estate Group are available to respond to any of your inquiries and questions and to offer you the best free real estate guidance at all times.

The following requirements must be met in order to gain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment:

A person applying must be at least 18 years old.

The property should cost more than $400,000 to be considered for purchase.

The nationality of the investor should not be one of those barred from real estate ownership.

After buying the property, it cannot be sold for three years.

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship | How to obtain citizenship in Turkey

Rights of Turkish nationals and those who hold Turkish citizenship

Becoming a Turkish citizen has several advantages because foreigners can acquire Turkish citizenship and a passport by purchasing a home or other real estate and making the necessary investments in real estate developments.

Following the submission of the citizenship application and receipt of it in accordance with the naturalization program, the following benefits may be obtained:

staying on Turkish soil without requiring a residency permit (the right to own and buy, like the rest of the original Turkish citizens).

In addition to the benefit of simple access into more than 25 Schengen countries, the holder of a Turkish passport is permitted to enter more than 100 countries without a visa or with a visa upon arrival.

Enabling dual citizenship, i.e. a holder of Turkish citizenship can preserve his or her mother nationality without abandoning it.

The benefit of using one's right to vote and casting a ballot (the right of citizenship).

How to obtain citizenship in Turkey.
Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

One of the top 50 passports in the world is the Turkish passport.

When someone with Turkish citizenship reaches retirement age, they can take advantage of the retirement law.

The spouse and minor children of the candidate are likewise granted Turkish citizenship.

Without a work permit, it is possible to work in all government and private sectors.

How to become a citizen of Turkey | Requirements for becoming a Turkish citizen

Turkey has developed into a sanctuary for all investors looking for a safe country and an atmosphere comparable to their home countries due to the emergence of the Turkish economy, the ascent of Turkey's star in numerous industries, and the challenging circumstances faced by surrounding countries. And because of the set of modifications that gave foreigners the ability to work, invest, and become citizens of Turkey, inquiries about how to do so and the techniques that are accessible to do so have grown. In this paragraph, we'll discuss some of the ways that you can become a Turkish citizen.

citizenship in Turkey through real estate investment

As Turkish law permits obtaining Turkish citizenship through the purchase and retention of real estate, rather than its sale, these methods are among the most popular ways for investors to obtain citizenship because Turkish citizenship is a gift of this investment and the property is a real investment. What are the steps for obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate, then?

How to obtain citizenship in Turkey.

requirements for gaining Turkish citizenship through real estate purchases

The requirements to become a citizen of Turkey are not regarded as being hard or tough, but rather as being normal, easy, and doable.

A person applying must be at least 18 years old.

The nationality of the person cannot be one of the five that are forbidden from owning property in Turkey.

The most crucial prerequisites for gaining Turkish citizenship are the $400k property price and this requirement.

that the tabu newspaper has no legal issues and that the property is acceptable for Turkish citizenship.

The seller must be a Turkish individual or Turkish construction firm.

Bank transfer payment of the purchase price of the property

pledging not to market the home for a 3 years starting on the purchase date.

How to get Turkish citizenship by purchasing a home there

The procedures to become a citizen of Turkey are as follows:

The first step in gaining Turkish citizenship is to purchase the property at the required amount.

The preparation of the required paperwork is the second step in getting Turkish citizenship.

Obtaining the appropriateness or conformance paper is the third step in the Turkish citizenship application process.

The fourth stage in getting Turkish citizenship is to file a citizenship application to the Investment Office.

Waiting for the security study of the file to be finished is the fifth step in the process of becoming a Turkish citizen.

Getting the decision on naturalization is the sixth stage.

Read also: Finance investment in Turkey

Read also: The best cities to live in Turkey

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